· By Tom Grover Biery

December 2024 Update


Much has been happening here at Slow Down Sounds over the last several months. We released the india.arie "ACOUSTIC SOUL" album restored to the original album for the first time ever on vinyl.  The original vinyl release was a black non-art jacket which left off the Intro, Interlude and outro - then when this classic record got reissued by Motown in 2013 somehow they continued to leave those off. They are important to the entire vibe of this incredible record - the set up, the middle, and the close if you will. You can read more of the details in the product description here.

I also do a lot of projects that are not on SDS. For these other projects I do either the manufacturing, distribution and/or marketing. I recently re-launched Because Sound Matters as a brand inside Warner Records - focusing on high quality releases. I started a One-Step series with the first three Linkin Park records that has been incredibly positive. Green Day "American Idiot" followed, which is nearly sold out. Next up is a 45rpm One-Step version of the all time classic, "Dookie!" The link below goes to a podcast with Chris Bellman who cut the lacquers, Don MacInnis and Dorin Sauerbier from Record Technology Inc., and is hosted by Steve Westman. This was a great time, and for those interested, I highly recommend checking it out. Click Here to listen.

I also have been doing a holiday mix tape for technically 38 years, although Grover's Holiday Ho Down is in year 35. The link goes to different places to experience this years mix, plus a 38 year discography. I always include many songs that are available for streaming - so for the complete list hit the Disco link. In the streaming world the playlist is really long - I will have an edited and fully mixed version in the link soon. Click Here to check it out.

Expect a freshened up Slow Down Sounds store front soon with some exciting announcements + a deep dive into all this recycled vinyl conversation - which nobody has a clear definition of.  Happy Listening and Happy Holidays!







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